Midlane Champions by On My Wings
Jul 19, 2014 19:41:25 GMT
Post by onmywings on Jul 19, 2014 19:41:25 GMT
I've been looking through the website, and I thought i would add a list for myself, hopefully giving you an insight in my pool, and what I can do with the champs. I have quite alot of champs, so I wont be going into too many details.
Also, I hope you can ignore grammatical mistakes.
challengerThe champions im most comfortable on. Some of them might not be the top tier midlaners in the current meta, but special picks I can do well on.
Orianna has been one of the top tier midlaners for a long time. Her teamfight presence is superior to alot of picks, and her laning is safe and strong.
She is also one of my strongest picks at the moment. Played her quite alot and so far I'm undefeated in S4 ranked with her (8 wins, 0 losses).
I usually pick Orianna against strong lanes like Syndra, or if the team needs a great asset in teamfights.
Lulu is similar to Orianna. Another great supportive midlaner with amazing laning. She is especially great with dive comps, and works great with champions like Nocturne, Jarvan or Rengar. She also has great peel for the teams marksman, and works well with Twitch and Vayne.
Lulu is one of my favorite midlane picks, in soloQ and Ranked5's.
I've found great success with her and I've been winning alot of games with her. (25 Wins 12 Losses)
The Bird is The Word!
Anivia is by far my favorite champion, and while not being the greatest pick in the current meta, I believe her kit has great potential for alot of situations.
She is my go to pick when Im looking to provide damage and utility to teamfights, and she also works well with pick comps.
I try to avoid picking Anivia into matchups like Syndra or Kassadin, but generally she can be picked in most situations.
Unlike Anivia, Jayce is my greatest pick against the likes of Kassadin and Syndra. His kit gives him amazing power in the early laning, and he is able to deny champs like kassadin loads of farm. He is also my prefered pick for split pushing, and dueling.
I dont have alot of ranked experience with Jayce yet (4 games, 4 wins though), but i have a fair amount of Normals playing him.
Overall strong pick, great poke and good laning. Would pick her into most matchups in a fitting team composition.
dia Champions I can play well, but not necessarily would pick as my first choice.
One of my stronger picks. Works well in pick comps with champions like Elise or Thresh. I can pick Ahri in most matchups, but against champs like Twisted Fate or Karthus I just love picking her.
Similar to Jayce, but with a few Pros and Cons. Yasuo, as a melee champ, needs to get much closer to his target, making him less safe in many matchups. he also lacks the poke Jayce provides. His upside is his insane mobility. With proper mechanics, Yasuo players are hard to keep track of.
Yasuo is not my best champion, but I think I can perform fairly well on him.
Xerath is a great replacement to Ap Nidalee, with his long range poke and safe laning. I've played quite alot of Xerath, mostly in normals, and I'm not completely sold on the champion. That said, I still believe I'm pretty good at him, and I know how to make use of him throughout the game.
He can be picked into almost any matchup (except Kassadin, that's just suicide.) and can find uses in quite alot of team comps.
Twisted Fate is a fantastic pick for pickcomps, and for hard engage. His ability to ult into the enemy team and stun the ad (with a zhonyas), is amazing to engage a teamfight. Also, his Ult is amazing for setting up ganks in lanes early, creating picks in the mid/lategame, or just to get vision on the entire enemy team for 10 seconds.
If the enemy team picks champions like Twitch, Rengar, Evelynn etc. I love picking Twisted fate. The stealth detection works SO well against them.
My personal Twisted fate experience is not the best, but I pick him whenever he fits the team. I had a few weeks playing only Twisted Fate, and I think I get pretty good at him in that period.
Syndra is the ultimate pick if the goal is to win lane. While being great in soloQ, I dont personally like her with a 5's team. She lacks alot of the things I need to be a great asset to my team, and I wouldnt pick her, unless I had a perfect setup for her.
This guy.. I don't want to play Kassadin. I don't want to play against a Kassadin. In my opinion he should be banned in every game.
That said, if I gotta play him, i think i do it fairly well.
plat Champions I have played, can play fairly well, but clearly lower tier than my other picks.
I know how strong Ziggs can be, and his ability to turtle for a long time is amazing, but I have never been a big fan of playing him. Would rather pick Anivia, as she does similar stuff, and I can acually play her. I might use some time learning him at some point if he is needed.
Not the biggest fan of assasin champions, but I enjoy playing Fizz alot. In case I need to play a bursty assasin mage, Fizz, together with Ahri, would be my picks.
Can be useful in some comps, but there are better picks in most situations. I've played my share of Karthus games, so in case we need him, I am able to play him.
gold Champions I can play, but are pretty bad.
Let's face it. In most cases Heimerdinger sucks, but I have alot of fun playing him, and I think I'm becoming pretty good at him. Dont think there are any reasons to pick him though.
Ap Tristana is a fun pick for low elo soloQ. Her Snowball potential is huge, but in ranked5's she doesn't do much for the team. I have used her in the past as a counterpick to Akali mid, but I dont see any great reason to pick her over Syndra/Lulu. also playing her as ad atm.
Make sure to let me know if I missed something important that you want to hear about.
Also, I hope you can ignore grammatical mistakes.
challengerThe champions im most comfortable on. Some of them might not be the top tier midlaners in the current meta, but special picks I can do well on.
Orianna has been one of the top tier midlaners for a long time. Her teamfight presence is superior to alot of picks, and her laning is safe and strong.
She is also one of my strongest picks at the moment. Played her quite alot and so far I'm undefeated in S4 ranked with her (8 wins, 0 losses).
I usually pick Orianna against strong lanes like Syndra, or if the team needs a great asset in teamfights.
Lulu is similar to Orianna. Another great supportive midlaner with amazing laning. She is especially great with dive comps, and works great with champions like Nocturne, Jarvan or Rengar. She also has great peel for the teams marksman, and works well with Twitch and Vayne.
Lulu is one of my favorite midlane picks, in soloQ and Ranked5's.
I've found great success with her and I've been winning alot of games with her. (25 Wins 12 Losses)
The Bird is The Word!
Anivia is by far my favorite champion, and while not being the greatest pick in the current meta, I believe her kit has great potential for alot of situations.
She is my go to pick when Im looking to provide damage and utility to teamfights, and she also works well with pick comps.
I try to avoid picking Anivia into matchups like Syndra or Kassadin, but generally she can be picked in most situations.
Unlike Anivia, Jayce is my greatest pick against the likes of Kassadin and Syndra. His kit gives him amazing power in the early laning, and he is able to deny champs like kassadin loads of farm. He is also my prefered pick for split pushing, and dueling.
I dont have alot of ranked experience with Jayce yet (4 games, 4 wins though), but i have a fair amount of Normals playing him.
Overall strong pick, great poke and good laning. Would pick her into most matchups in a fitting team composition.
dia Champions I can play well, but not necessarily would pick as my first choice.
One of my stronger picks. Works well in pick comps with champions like Elise or Thresh. I can pick Ahri in most matchups, but against champs like Twisted Fate or Karthus I just love picking her.
Similar to Jayce, but with a few Pros and Cons. Yasuo, as a melee champ, needs to get much closer to his target, making him less safe in many matchups. he also lacks the poke Jayce provides. His upside is his insane mobility. With proper mechanics, Yasuo players are hard to keep track of.
Yasuo is not my best champion, but I think I can perform fairly well on him.
Xerath is a great replacement to Ap Nidalee, with his long range poke and safe laning. I've played quite alot of Xerath, mostly in normals, and I'm not completely sold on the champion. That said, I still believe I'm pretty good at him, and I know how to make use of him throughout the game.
He can be picked into almost any matchup (except Kassadin, that's just suicide.) and can find uses in quite alot of team comps.
Twisted Fate is a fantastic pick for pickcomps, and for hard engage. His ability to ult into the enemy team and stun the ad (with a zhonyas), is amazing to engage a teamfight. Also, his Ult is amazing for setting up ganks in lanes early, creating picks in the mid/lategame, or just to get vision on the entire enemy team for 10 seconds.
If the enemy team picks champions like Twitch, Rengar, Evelynn etc. I love picking Twisted fate. The stealth detection works SO well against them.
My personal Twisted fate experience is not the best, but I pick him whenever he fits the team. I had a few weeks playing only Twisted Fate, and I think I get pretty good at him in that period.
Syndra is the ultimate pick if the goal is to win lane. While being great in soloQ, I dont personally like her with a 5's team. She lacks alot of the things I need to be a great asset to my team, and I wouldnt pick her, unless I had a perfect setup for her.
This guy.. I don't want to play Kassadin. I don't want to play against a Kassadin. In my opinion he should be banned in every game.
That said, if I gotta play him, i think i do it fairly well.
plat Champions I have played, can play fairly well, but clearly lower tier than my other picks.
I know how strong Ziggs can be, and his ability to turtle for a long time is amazing, but I have never been a big fan of playing him. Would rather pick Anivia, as she does similar stuff, and I can acually play her. I might use some time learning him at some point if he is needed.
Not the biggest fan of assasin champions, but I enjoy playing Fizz alot. In case I need to play a bursty assasin mage, Fizz, together with Ahri, would be my picks.
Can be useful in some comps, but there are better picks in most situations. I've played my share of Karthus games, so in case we need him, I am able to play him.
gold Champions I can play, but are pretty bad.
Let's face it. In most cases Heimerdinger sucks, but I have alot of fun playing him, and I think I'm becoming pretty good at him. Dont think there are any reasons to pick him though.
Ap Tristana is a fun pick for low elo soloQ. Her Snowball potential is huge, but in ranked5's she doesn't do much for the team. I have used her in the past as a counterpick to Akali mid, but I dont see any great reason to pick her over Syndra/Lulu. also playing her as ad atm.
Make sure to let me know if I missed something important that you want to hear about.